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Health Careers: Advising and Mentoring Opportunities

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Students work with Dr. Amishi Jha researching mindfulness as a tool to optimize attention and resilience.
health careers health careers

Dr. Moataz Eltoukhy (center) directs students in using video technology as a cost-effective way to assess gait patterns in patients. 
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Nursing students have a 96 percent pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination.

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Go beyond the classroom. At the University of Miami, students interested in health care careers benefit from a wide range of fields of study and real-world opportunities, including clinical experiences, clinical research, community health research, and medical mission trips. Unbounded by traditional notions of health care education, our students practice cross-cultural care, serve underrepresented populations, help develop the cutting-edge tools health care professionals will use tomorrow, and contribute to life-saving research. With the guidance of dedicated advisors and mentors, you can chart your own journey to a meaningful career in health care. 


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Through advising and one-on-one mentorship, we will assist you in achieving a competitive application in order to accomplish your professional goals and career direction.
Students admitted to UM's Health Professions Mentoring (HPM) Program will participate in a specially designed curriculum and receive academic and professional mentoring throughout their four years of college.

No matter what your major, the University of Miami offers an array of pre-professional tracks to students interested in pursuing a career in a health related field.

The University of Miami offers a number of resources designed to help students enhance their learning experience and success.

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Olumayowa Olujohungbe

"As a pre-health major I have been able to explore public health research. I’ve been to Ecuador with Engineers Without Borders, where we created and carried out surveys to help assess diet, health, and sanitation issues in Las Mercedes. I did research for a semester in El Centro, a center for health disparities at the school. This past summer, I was selected to participate in the Minority Health Disparities International Research Training for a two-month trip to Chile to engage in public health research.”


Kelly Boyle

“It put me at ease knowing I would enter as a freshman and graduate with all the classes worked into my major that I needed for a physical therapy graduate program. Having all the classes worked into my major has allowed me the possibility to take other classes and double major."


Lawrence Rolle

"The University of Miami’s secret weapon for getting me into medical school was its emphasis on student life and diversity. The MCAT Prep Program offered at the Miller School of Medicine opened the door for me to medicine through the free MCAT training and the supportive community of mentors it provided."

Sadhana Anantha

Sadhana Anantha

"This has been a path for me to explore topics freely outside of the typical science classes in order to aid my medical career in the future. I no longer see my education as a single road, but rather a network of pathways. Innovation stems from the willingness to converge disciplines, to apply concepts in a way they haven’t been applied before."

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